To contribute to people’s lives
Maintaining the hope embraced by the company foundation, we are continuing to take steady steps forward.
Rokuzo Kondo started motor repair business at 3 Tono-machi, Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture
Kondo Denki Shokai established
Started business of electrical installation work along with motor repair business.
During the period of high economic growth,engaged in many infrastructure-related electric installation work such as tunnel lighting installation in Niigata Prefecture and electrical facility work for national and prefectural public buildings.
Sakai Musen established
Started with the sale and repair of home electronic appliances. Engaged in repair of radio equipment, installation and maintenance work of management systems for river, roads, installation and maintenance of multiplex radio equipment for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and other infrastructure-related communication
facility work, in addition to installation work for cellular phone base stations.
WebDo! K.K. established
Jointly established by five companies, including Kondodenki K.K. and Sakai Musen K.K. The purpose of stablishment was system development of remote infrastructure monitoring using IT.
The company developed a pipe system buried under roads with nozzles that spray liquid to melt snow combining ASP and cellular phone’s packet communication and a remote monitoring system of water gates, paving the path to establish eTRUST seven years later.
7.13 Niigata Flood Disaster and Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake
Adopted SCOPE (May)
Applied to the Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE), whose objective is the research and development of information and communication technology
(ICT) conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. In conjunction with Nagaoka University of Technology, developed “Intelligent Video Sensor,” which enables the judgment of evacuation instructions by AI, based on the measurements of water levels and issuance of warnings with image analysis. This became the basis of an emergency information system to come later.
eTRUST, Ltd. established.
Kondo Denki K.K. and Sakai Musen K.K. were integrated to form eTRUST, Ltd. Built a new corporate building in Hokuyo, Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, marking the beginning of business operations.
Niigataken Chuetsu offshore Earthquake of 2007 struck
Immediately after the earthquake, we made united corporate-wide efforts to restore electricity and communications infrastructures.
Started development of Nagaoka City Emergency Information System
Experiencing two large earthquakes, the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 and the Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007, in addition to the 7.13 Niigata Flood Disaster of 2004, we started the development of a disaster risk management and monitoring system, the “Nagaoka City Emergency Information System,” working alongside the Disaster Management Of ce of Nagaoka City. In 2005, we were also entrusted to create Nagaoka City’s disaster risk management website, which became a starting point in developing an emergency information system.
Tokyo Office opened (3 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo)
Ozawa Electric Construction Co., Ltd. (Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture) integrated as a group company
Entrusted by JICA with two global projects
Entrusted by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), we started surveys on flood control in the Philippines and Bangladesh. Conducted installation work of newly developed monitoring cameras using smartphones.
Company-owned solar power plant in the Town of Fujikawaguchiko
On a site of about 20,000 m2 in Asagiri Plateau in the Town of Kawaguchiko that faces Mount Fuji, we installed about 6,000 solar panels. In December 2014, we started to supply and sell electricity to TEPCO. The main purpose of this was technological improvements and R&D innovation at our company.
Opened Kanto Branch Oficce in January and a Tokai Branch Of ce in June. With the company reorganization in June, the Tokyo Branch was renamed the Tokyo Head Of ce and Head Of ce (Nagaoka) became Nagaoka Head Office
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