Ever since we started operating as a motor repair service provider in the city of Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, we have heralded a management philosophy of always being a “Presence needed by society,” and established it as a pillar of our corporate activities. With the electrical and communication businesses as our core, we devote ourselves to address the challenge of solving issues that our customers face, especially ones of a highly public nature, by leveraging as much of our technology and wisdom as possible.
We believe that what we are today and being trusted by many customers is due to consistently having this attitude. We consider, “How can we approach this?” for any requests that appear to be difficult at first, before thinking, “We cannot do it.” By repeating this manner as such, we have cultivated technologies that are unique to eTRUST. Going forward, we will continue to takes steps toward new businesses and even wider fields, while moving forward as a “Presence needed by society.” At the foundation of renewable energy and making approaches for global markets, we maintain a strong commitment to contribute to society. Our new challenges are always supported by the technologies we have cultivated over many years, employees taking charge of them and the trust we have build up right till the very end. Never forgetting this, we will continue to evolve and develop in a serious, sincere and steady fashion.
Ryuichi Sakai
President and Chief Executive Officer
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